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مبيعات X6 من BMW تتخطّى التوقعات في الخليج – و أرقام متواضعة في مصر

دبي / القاهرة - تشهد نسبة المبيعات المرتفعة التي يحقّقها طراز X6 الجديد من BMW، والذي يجسّد مفهوم Sports Activity Coupé الأوّل في العالم على الإطلاق، على الطلب العالي على هذه الفئة التي أطلقتها الشركة حديثاً. فبعد إطلاق هذه السيارة في الشرق الأوسط في شهر مارس / آذار 2008، تخطّت نسبة الطلب الإمداد في عدد من البلدان الأساسية ممّا ساهم في احتلال BMW المرتبة الأولى بين مصنّعي السيارات الفاخرة في العالم.

وفي ذلك الإطار، علّق السيّد فيل هورتون، المدير الإداري لمجموعة BMW في الشرق الأوسط قائلاً: "إنّ أبرز الشروط الأساسية لنجاحنا تكمن في الإبداع والابتكار . لقد كشفت BMW أولاً عن فئة سيارات النشاطات الرياضية Sports Activity Vehicles مع طراز X5 الذي حدّد معايير اتّجاه جديد، وها هي اليوم تكشف عن طراز X6 الذي يعيد تحديد هذه الفئة. إلى ذلك، يقدّم طراز X6 ترجمة مبتكرة لمواصفات طرازlarge Coupé وتصميمها فضلاً على خصائص عائلة X من موقع القيادة العالي إلى التفنّن."

وأضاف السيّد هورتون قائلاً: "تحقّق سيارة X6 نتائج باهرة في الشرق الأوسط. والجدير ذكره هو أنّه منذ إطلاق هذا الطراز، تمّ بيع 1295 وحدة منه في المنطقة، وبالتالي، تكاد تنفذ الكمية التي أنتجناها لعام كامل."

إلى ذلك، إنّ مجموعة BMW في الشرق الأوسط واثقة تماماً من تحقيقها نتائج مبيعات أفضل في الربع الرابع من العام الجاري وذلك بعد الكشف مؤخّراً عن نظام X6 xDrive50i لمجموعة X6. كما ويمتاز الموديل الجديد بمحرّك أكثر قوّة سعة 4.4 لتر، 8 سيلندر مزدوج التربينة مع قوّة قصوى تبلغ 407 حصاناً. تسرع السيارة من صفر إلى 100 كلم/ساعة في غضون 5.4 ثوانٍ وتبلغ سرعتها القصوى 250 كلم/ساعة.

تستخدم كلّ موديلات BMW X6 إبداعات تقنية EfficientDynamics التي تقلّص من استهلاك الوقود وانبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون. كما ويشمل كلّ من طرازي xDrive50i وxDrive35i من X6 محرّك ضخّ عالي
الدقة High Precision Injection HPI وإطارات ذات مقاومة أقلّ للدحرجة ممّا يمنح السيارة أداءً فائقاً ويجعل من X6 السيارة الأكثر فعالية في استهلاك الوقود ويضعها في مرتبة متقدمة ضمن فئتها.

وأردف السيّد هورتون قائلاً: "ما نجاح طراز X6 في المنطقة إلا دليل قاطع على ريادة BMW وطبيعة الصنف المتطوّرة دائماً. وأمّا بالمسبة إلى عملائنا المميّزين فهم أفراد ناجحون في الحياة ويتمتّعون بثقة عالية ويقدّرون شراء الأصناف المتينة التي توفّر الرفاهية والسلامة والمصداقية والإبداع. ولا شكّ في أنّ X6 يوفّر كلّ تلك المزيا."

تتمتّع مجموعة X من BMW بسجلّ موثّق من النجاحات في المنطقة، بدأ مع X5 الذي أطلق عام 2000، والذي كان باكورة فئة السيارات الفخمة Sports Activity Vehicles. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، ساهم تصميم X5 بشكل بارز في نتائج مبيعات مجموعة X التي بلغت إلى اليوم 1.3 مليون سيارة في العالم. وعام 2008 فقط، حقّقت مبيعات الشرق الأوسط من طراز X5 منذ يناير / كانون الثاني إلى سبتمبر / أيلول رقماً إجمالياً بلغ 2669 وحدة.

أما في مصر فنجد الوضع مختلف بعض الشيء بسبب العيوب الفنية و مستوي جودة التصنيع المتواضع جدا لمصنع BMW المصري؛ والذي أدي إلي تدهور سمعة BMW في مصر في السنوات الماضية و بالتالي إلي أرقام مبيعات منخفضة جدا مقارنة بالمنافسين الآخرين مثل Porsche Cayenne .

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Readers Comments:

Amro Hasan from Cairo - Egypt wrote:
Mr. Amr Elfeky pointed that the Abou Rawash BMW service manager supported him many times. In my opinion, this indicates that there is something severely wrong with the maintenance center. Or why he would need the support from such a high managerial level. I would like if MR. Amr could kindly give details on that. This is very much appreciated if he could.

Editors response:
I totally agree with you.

amr elfeky from Cairo - Egypt wrote:
Dear Amr,
I just read the article about bavarian auto and i have also BMW 523i car and i recieved my car from
qattamia branch but i always go to Abourawash branch and i never had problem with them. They always deal with me in very professional way i love to wait my car to be finished since the place there is really amazing and very quiet.
The service manager also supported me many times in invoice so i think Auto Arabia has personal issues with BMW in egypt. I noticed they published the court verdict against their boss i remember his name Eltobgui many times and when bavarian win at the end and the verdict was cancelled they never mention to it. it was published in elmasry elyoum newspaper at
anyway i love BMW cars and i have good experience with their aftersales services they are the best from my point of view.
Dr. Amr Elfeky

Editors response:
Dear Dr. Amr,
I am glad that also you have good experience with Bavarian Auto Group, the BMW importer in Egypt.
As far as we at Auto Arabia are concerned, please rest assured that we always make our judgments based on unbiased facts and facts only. Unlike other motoring and non-motoring media in Egypt we do not start 'positive' image campaigns when we receive advertisements campaigns from any car manufacturer in Egypt or the Middle East.

We also do NOT publish advertorials paid by car manufacturer as 'editorials' when they would like to defend themselves, like it was the case with the first court verdict of Bavarian Auto Group. I am sure you have read in the Al-Ahram and Akhbar El Yom newspaper those advertorials of Bavarian Auto Group when the first court verdict was announced a several weeks ago.

As far as the Bavarian Auto Group / BMW Group is concerned, I have to tell you that in the recent years we have only had negative experience with the Bavarian Auto Group, which apparently has a lot of incompetent and unprofessional departments inside the group. You were criticizing that we did not publish 'the verdict cancellation' against the Bavarian Auto Group, of which you kindly sent us the above-mentioned URL link. The reason why we did not publish this verdict is because one of these very
incompetent and unprofessional departments, which I mentioned earlier, is the Marketing and PR department at Bavarian Auto Group / BMW Egypt which did NOT send us (and probably also the other motoring and non-motoring media) any press release about this matter.

You also mentioned that the Service Manager 'supported' you many times with the invoice. We feel happy for you that you receive such 'support' but on the other hand we think that such 'support' is a very sensitive matter, which inevitably leads to corruption in the service centers. On the other hands we heard from many BMW-owner how they have been ripped-off in the Bavarian Auto Group service center.

The fact that Bavarian Auto Group fired a few weeks ago its German operation manager and replaced him with an Egyptian manager, will also surely make the Bavarian Auto Group drift even more away from German standards.

We will publish a few facts in another articles about the Bavarian Auto Group on the 15th of June 2009, which will show you and other readers that our 'professional' opinion is solely based on facts and has nothing to do with any 'personal problems'.

At the end I would like to thank you for sending us the URL link for the latest court verdict, as this shows us again that our readers are in many cases faster then many Marketing & PR department of the car companies in Egypt, in this case Bavarian Auto Group.


Amro Hasan from Cairo - Egypt wrote:
I wish someone from your magazine answers me this. Why are you so much against the Bavarian Auto Group in almost every article you publish.
I am asking you this because I need to view your publication as a credible institution. I visited the Bavarian group in Kattamia lately to check the BMW 3 Series Coupe and they were very nice to me and their salesman insisted to show me the 7series and let me inside it even, if my appearance doesn’t indicate that I am a 7series customer.
I like the 3series Coupe very much and I may invest in it when the prices stabilize. Meanwhile, I can’t ignore your perspective. Please enlighten me!

Editors response:
Dear Amro,

Thank you for your comment. I am very happy for you that you have had a positive experience at BMW Egypt / Bavarian Auto Group. You can surely count yourself as a lucky guy, because most comments and reader’s letter we receive describe a rather negative experience, regarding the customer service, after-sales service, customer care, etc. You can read many of such comments in our Auto Arabia group on .

We ourselves at Auto Arabia only experienced negative impressions, especially since the German management headed by the experienced Ulrich Urban left the company and the new Egyptian management with a completely un-experienced and automotive greenhorn called Farid El Tobgui took over, together with a completely incompetent and shady marketing & sales department.

Also do not forget that BMW Egypt is hardly selling any cars in the past months, and therefore now treat every young and mature potential client with 110 % of respect and try to pamper and indulge them as much as possible.

Of course this does diminish in any way our huge respect to the BMW company in Germany and the Made-In-Germany BMW cars, which are some of the best automobiles worldwide. That is also one of the reasons why the editor and publisher of Auto Arabia has been driving BMW all his life.

But the quality of the Made-In-Egypt BMW cars and the management skills of the amateurs at BMW Egypt / Bavarian Auto Group is a totally different story.

As an independent media we understand it as our duty to enlighten the customer in Egypt about the way BMW Egypt is treating its customers and we also see it as our duty to inform the BMW headquarter in Munich about what is going on with its brand in Egypt.

It is for the above-mentioned reason why the Egyptian Consumer Protection Agency CPA filed a lawsuit recently against BMW Egypt / Bavarian Auto Group and won it for the favor of BMW client who had severe problems with BMW Egypt and his BMW 5 series.

Also note that the Egyptian government had recently opened an investigation against BMW Egypt / Bavarian Auto Group because there were rumors that BMW imported some BMW models with a 2.9 engine and declared them as 1.6 engine, in order to save 200 million LE of customs. The fine, if this case goes to court and finds BMW Egypt guilty, would be 400 million LE.

All the above-mentioned are just a few reasons why the image of BMW in Egypt is suffering a lot.

I hope this answers your question.


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