Road accidents in Egypt - Caused by drivers, mal-functioning cars and poor road condition
Auto Arabia's editor and road safety expert Mohamed Sheta will be talking together with other experts and celebrities (Egyptian actor Khaled Abu El Naga) live tonight (20.2.2008 / 10.30 pm Cairo Local Time) in the program MUBASHER MEN EL KAHIRA on the Egyptian Arabic-speaking satellite news channel NILE NEWS TV (Kanat El Nile El Ekhbariya) about the devastating crash-test results of Chinese cars (like the Brilliance) and other technical failures and recalls (e.g. Renault and Jeep Cherokee) and what the Egyptian government should do to improve road safety and the safety of any cars sold in Egypt.
For comments please call in during the live program or send an email now to and we will discuss your comment in the show!
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